About Us

Hi and WELCOME to See My Curls. Thank you for visiting our online store. We hope you will be inspired to start and or continue your natural curly hair journey with our handmade, natural & organic products.

WELCOME also to Ooze for Men, our newest LINE OF PRODUCT for men's shaving & grooming.


WHY CHOOSE See My Curls?

  • Australian made & owned 
  • Handmade with natural & certified organic ingredients
  • Founded & formulated by a primary school educator and curly mum from a diverse cultural background with curly kids
  • Vegan & cruelty-free curly hair care
  • Hair care products for babies, kids & adults with wavy, curly, coily/ afro & locs
  • Free of parabens, silicone & sulfates


Yes, we have REBRANDED from AfroShe to See My Curls


  • We want to shift our focus solely to curly hair care products
  • We found people's first impression of the name AfroShe implied hair type "Afro" and gender "She" specific
  • We want a brand name that is gender and hair type inclusive
  • See My Curls brand is non gender and hair type and also celebrates ALL HAIR types & CURLS and emphasizes on the joy and pride in letting your curls be seen and therefore showing them off  

Are there ANY CHANGES?

  • We are still the SAME AWESOME BRAND with a DIFFERENT NAME and still making AWESOME PRODUCTS
  • Some of our products will have shorter names but you'll still recognise them. 
  • In maintaining our vegan friendly ethos, we will shift to vegan products by discontinuing our original formulas with gelatin (not vegan). If you have bought from us before, you already know our vegan formulas are among our best sellers and also delivers outstanding results.  

At See My Curls, we believe that your natural hair is beautifully made and perfect in every way and deserves the best nature has to offer in love and care. That's why our products are handmade, formulated with natural & certified organic ingredients, delivering instant and long lasting results that you can see and feel. We are very proud of the high quality of ingredients used in our products. Our products are vegan, cruelty free, free of parabens, silicone and sulfates. Every ingredient has been chosen for its unique properties. 

Love your curls & set them free!


The Story of See My Curls

I'm Ruth Wallis and I am the founder & formulator of See My Curls. Here's a 'long story short' version of how it all came to be. The story of See My Curls began back in April 2013. But wait a minute! For it to make a bit more sense I have to take you back to the early 90's. 

 founder of See My Curls

1991 - my family and I moved from Ghana, West Africa to Australia when I was in primary school.

New school - My family and I were the only Africans in a little country town in NSW, Australia. This was where I discovered, all of a sudden (according to my peers) that I didn't have "nice skin or good hair" and this led to a "little" dislike of myself with lots of confused questions to Divine Intelligence.

High School - I started doing my own hair in braids as my mum didn't want me to relax my hair at the time. Then finally, in my final year of high school (1999) my mum relaxed my hair but because my hair was very thick. It did not work like I had hoped...e.g. soft, silky, blowing in the wind like the model on the packaging!!! Apparently there was something "wrong" with my hair. It was "stubborn"!

Below - Me and my High School besties :-) - Year 12 Graduation 1999

 afro hair journey

2000 - 2013 - I continued to do my own braiding every 4 months (all day 8 hours plus) & relaxing (hoping & praying NOT to burn my scalp with all the harmful chemicals in the products!!).

Got married and had my first baby - Evie. I was sure her hair would be considered as 'good hair' and it would be easier to manage especially as she would be 75% African & 25% English/ Welsh.

But as it turned out Evie's hair started to change at age 2. So I began to look for products to manage Evie's so called 'bad hair'. I knew however, NOT to use any relaxers on her hair. Evie's hair was always dry and brittle - and every attempt to detangle and brush her hair would always end in tears. I tried every product I could find in the shops. But nothing made any difference to the condition of her hair or my hair.

Below: left - one of my diy braids | centre - me with baby Evie | right - Evie at 6 months

 protective styling baby curly hair style toddler curly hair style

April 2013 - I remember complaining to Divine Intelligence and asking why he gave us Africans and mixed race people such "bad hair." To my surprise he replied.... "I didn't give you 'bad hair', you just need to know how to look after it". So in reply I simply asked, "Then show me how!"

From that day on the ideas and inspiration began to flood in. I loved every bit of the research aspect of this learning journey with the Divine. I decided that I would have to create something that didn't have harmful chemicals. No store-bought products ever worked for us. In fact everything that we tried from the shops only made the condition of our hair worse. So I set out on a mission to create a blend of natural and traditional ingredients to heal, hydrate, and condition my family's hair, and enable it to grow without tangling or breaking. As a mum of two (at the time), I wanted my kids to grow up loving their hair and skin. Below - Evie's amazing hair transformation with See My Curls. Watch on our Youtube channel.

  kids curl care kids curly hair journey 

The transformation in Evie's hair was amazing. From dry, tangled and hard to manage her hair became vibrant, moisturized and manageable and began to grow rapidly.

Below: left - My last relaxer April 2013 pictured with my daughter Evie & son Ben |  centre - End result after relaxer!! | right- end of my 13 & a half years of chemical relaxing and the start of my first natural hair journey. 

 family with curls hair breakage coily afro transitioning 

Below -  My Versatile 4C natural hair journey | Left - afro puff | centre - roller set on coily hair | right - sisterlocs from Dec 2019, 2021 to present 

 afro puff afro roller set curls sisterlocs natural hair journey

Having grown up in Ghana I remember using organic Shea Butter on my skin and hair as a small child! At the time I didn’t really know anything about Shea Butter's AMAZING healing properties.  It was only when I began to research for See My Curls that I discovered why Shea Butter had become a staple ingredient in traditional methods of hair and skin care in Ghana.

Found only in the tropics of Africa, Shea butter comes from the nuts of the Shea-Karite tree. (Shea-Karite translates as "Tree of Life"). Along with a special selection of 100% natural ingredients, I used organic, unrefined Shea butter as my base for creating hair butters that are finely textured, and pleasant to the nose; blends that are loved by skin and hair alike. After seeing the incredible results in Evie's, I transitioned my own hair. My first Big Chop was in December 2013 and marked the beginning of my own natural hair journey.  Soon I had strangers asking where I bought the products that conditioned my daughter's hair and my hair so beautifully and asking if they could buy it from me. So I decided to prepare See My Curls for purchase and the rest as they say is history.

See My Curls has been running since 2013 as a family business (with a rebrand from AfroShe in Jan 2023). We love the transformation of our own hair and are thrilled by the continual feedback we receive from people all around the world who write and send their pictures to tell us that See My Curls products had transformed their hair.

August 10th, 2024 launched our NEWEST LINE OF PRODUCT called Ooze for Men - a premium shaving & grooming products for men with sensitive skin.

Below - Wallis family


Ruth Wallis family See My Curls

I hope you feel inspired to start your natural hair journey or try our men's shaving & grooming product.

See My Curls is one small part of a worldwide phenomenon. Around the world men and women with Afro hair are learning that Divine Intelligence made Afro hair and made it good!!

A bit more about me - Ruth

I am a Ghanaian Australian. I moved to Australia with my parents in 1991. I then went to primary school, high school and University in New South Wales and later on, completed my Bachelor of Early Childhood Education in Canberra, ACT - 2004. I met my husband in Canberra. I am a wife and a proud mother of three beautiful children (10-15). My background is in primary school teaching with a love for early years literacy. I am also the author of  the children's picture book of "Ophelia's Opposites" and contributing author of "Falling in Love with You". From Jan 2020, I resigned from 15 years of teaching in order to manage See My Curls as it continues to rapidly grow.

Peace & Light,

Ruth (Founder & Formulator, See My Curls)